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Formations aux applications du spatial


Master of Science in Informatics in Grenoble (MoSIG)

Détails de la formation

Objectifs : The objective of the Master of Science in Informatics is to offer to all students, regardless of country of origin, access to world-class graduate training in areas of informatics where the scientific research community in Grenoble is particularly strong. This programme includes seven specializations:
DSAI Data science and artificial intelligence
AI4GIVR Artificial Intelligence for Graphics, Interaction, Vision and Robotics
SHCE Software Systems and High Quality Components Engineering
DC Distributed computing: from cloud to edge computing, embedded systems and networking

Public concerné : students, employees, job seekers

Niveau de Diplôme (UE) : 7 - (Niveau CEC ou équivalent)

Durée et modalités : 4 semesters

Partenariat(s) français : Institut Polytechnique de Grenoble

Site web dédié :

Techniques spatiales et outils