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Formations aux applications du spatial


GEO Moocs for students Employability

Détails de la formation

Objectifs : The Portfolio MY GEO is an online tool aimed at fostering the capacity of students in higher education to acquire key skills on the use of GIS applications commonly used by private companies. The aim of this course is to train you in modern tools and competences that can help you to find a job in the geospatial sector.

This tool is divided in 8 modules that develop several skills such as data storage, spatial analysis, 3D models, etc., but also transversal skills as analytical and critical thinking, business competences, or interpersonal competences. In every module you will find the presentation of the professional that works in projects related to the topic of the module. You will also find a case study to understand better what is the usefulness of the particular geospatial technologies. Finally, there is an exercise explained step by step, which you can replicate to train as a real geospatial professional.

Public concerné : students

Durée et modalités : 2021 = 25h (2 weeks)

Commentaires : Co-funded by the Erasmus+ Program of the European Union.

University of Zaragoza and UNED (Spain), University of Padova (Italy), University of Ghent (Belgium) and EUROGEO.

GeoSpatiumLab, ARS Progetti, Archetipo and Geosolutions

Site web dédié :

Domaines Applicatifs

Techniques spatiales et outils