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Formations aux applications du spatial


Monitoring and economic control of climate change

Détails de la formation

Objectifs : The course proposed here will focus on the economic impact of weather and the cost associated with climate change. Initially, scientific generalities on meteorology and climate will be described in order to provide students with main concepts and basic knowledge on the subject. A focus on the polar regions, where the impact of climate change is a strong marker of the phenomena, will be provided to highlight the effects of human activities on climate.

Following this, the economical dimension will be addressed and this course will focus essentially on two aspects. The first aspect addressed is the risk management of weather-sensitive activities and the second part will focus on the understanding of the economic aspects of climate change.

The final target is to give students the capacity to understand climate issues, to understand and assess the associated public policies and to take appropriate decisions in their personal and professional activities.

To address these questions, this course consists of lectures given by experts of ENM, Lulea University and Toulouse Business School, active learning and personal projects requiring an answer by students to a problem elaborated by an expert of socio-economic activities.

Universities involved
Toulouse INP – ENSEEIHT / ENM – University of Toulouse
TBS Education – University of Toulouse
Luleå University of Technology

Durée et modalités : October 2024 to January 2025 – Exact date to be announced
3 ECTS Credits

Site web dédié :

Domaines Applicatifs

Techniques spatiales et outils