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Formations aux applications du spatial


Master of Science Remote Sensing, geoInformation and Visualization

Détails de la formation

Objectifs : The Remote Sensing, geoInformation and Visualization master's degree program at the University of Potsdam offers a diverse array of opportunities for specialization in the design of custom-made plans for study. Practical components of the program also offer you the opportunity to acquire professional and research-oriented competences, thereby facilitating a smoother entry into your future career.

Public concerné : Etudiants

Niveau de Diplôme (UE) : 7 - (Niveau CEC ou équivalent)

Conditions d'admission (diplômes) : Diplôme de fin d'études secondaires.
Pour des informations complémentaires voir le site

Métiers et activité professionnelle visés : Future fields of work include positions in public administration, such as in municipal, regional and land use planning; natural disaster management and response, as well as environmental monitoring; research in the university and in institutions outside universities. Diverse employment opportunities are also possible in the IT industry, for example in software development in the field of digital mapping; in the insurance and real estate industry; the construction industry; the transportation industry; and in the leisure and tourism sectors.

Durée et modalités : 4 semesters

Site web dédié :

Domaines Applicatifs

Techniques spatiales et outils