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Location (of the establishment) IndifferentAuvergne-Rhône-Alpes (42)Bourgogne-Franche-Comté (6)Bretagne (33)Centre-Val de Loire (5)Grand-Est (29)Hauts-de-France (11)Ile-de-France (188)Normandie (14)Nouvelle-Aquitaine (44)Occitanie (117)PACA (30)Pays-de-la-Loire (24)TOM (4)Europe (103)International (3)Organisme en ligne (44)
Kind of establishment IndifferentUniversity (375)Engineering school (291)Other organization (155)
Language IndifferentFrench (507)English (243)German (9)Italian (5)Spanich (21)
Way of training IndifferentInitial education (478)Life-long learning (333)Sandwich/Apprenticeship training (173)Blended learning (37)Distance learning (26)E-learning (mooc, spoc, wikis ...) (52)short courses (basics) (72)short courses (advanced) (28)Webinar (16)Conference/Workshop (11)
Prepared diploma IndifferentBaccalauréat (French high school diploma), A level (1)BTS (Two-year technical diploma) (6)BUT (three-year technological university degree) (9)Bachelor: three-year university degree (4)Vocational bachelor, three-year university vocational degree (20)French Bachelor degree (19)Grado (Bachelor, Spain) (1)Bachelor or Baccalaureat (Canada) (1)Master or DNM: French National Master Degree (221)MSc : Master of Sciences degree from a French higher education Institute (Label of the Conférence des Grandes Ecoles) (16)Laurea Magistrale or Laurea Specialitaca (Italy) (1)MSc : Master of Sciences (international) (51)Diplôme d’ingénieur (French national engineering degree) (96)Grade of Master (official recognition of 7 level degree) (1)European Master (3)Erasmus Mundus joint Master Degrees (3)Mastère, Mastaire,... (master degree level from a French academic institution) (20)Executive Master (1)Advanced Master (Label of the Conférence des Grandes Ecoles) (28)Doctorate or PhD degree (5)DU or DE: Specific French University/Higher Education Institute one-year diploma (other acronyms: DES, DSP, DESA, DESU, DESUT) (7)CES: Certificate of Advanced Studies (from a higher education institution) (29)Certification (Professional certification /Vocational qualification) ou French specific CQP: Professional Training (5)Professional qualification (1)Certificate of participation (Notification of training attendance/completion) (119)Others (8)
Level IndifferentBac (64)Bac +2 (113)Bac +3 (245)Bac +4 (115)Bac +5 (47)
Topic Indifferent--- Applications ---Mobility (Transport, multimodality, transportation management, navigation safety, autonomous vehicles, etc.) (89)Health and Societal challenges (E-health, tele-epidemiology, space medicine; Risk management, security, education, tourism...) (168)Environment and Land Management (Environmental protection, agriculture, biodiversity, climate changes; Resources, land-use planning, infrastructures) (257)Legal and Economics (Law, contracts, standards; Trade, finances, facilities sharing economy...) (55)--- Space Technologies and Scientific Disciplines ---Telecommunications (Space communications, Information and Communication Technologies, Internet of Things) (128)Earth observation (Remote sensing, GIS, geomatics) (360)Geopositioning (Positioning, GNSS) (95)Data processing and analysis (Signal and image processing, big data, learning algorithms, artificial intelligence...) (394)Robotics and autonomous systems (Control systems, guidance, navigation...) (92)
Keywords Keywords separated by spacesTo search for a specific expression, use the +,for example Master+geography