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Laurea Magistrale (Second cycle degree/Two year Master) in Automation engineering

Course Details

Objectives : The Master’s Degree in Automation Engineering is entirely taught in English and provides students with interdisciplinary skills at the intersection of Automatic Machines, Autonomous Systems, Robotics, Mechatronics and Mechanical Engineering, based on a multidisciplinary training from Control and Systems Theory, Optimization, Distributed Computing, Mechanics, Computer Vision, Real-time Software and Artificial Intelligence.
Multidisciplinarity is its strength.
Automation Engineering enables selected students to gain a Double Degree within the AlmaTong Programme with the Tongji University (Shanghai).

Public concerned : Students

Degree Level (EU) : 7 - (EQC level or equivalent)

Admission requirements : To be admitted to the Second cycle Degree in Automation Engineering/Ingegneria dell'Automazione the applicant must hold a University degree of at least three years (or achieved through the acquisition of at least 180 ECTS –CFU), or another degree obtained abroad and recognized by the Automation Engineering Board as equivalent.

Prerequisites : Adequate proficiency in English (at least B2 level according to CEFR) is required for admission to the Second cycle Degree in Automation Engineering/Ingegneria dell'Automazione.

Duration and terms : 120 ECTS

Notes : The AlmaTong Programme is a Double Degree Programme in Automation Engineering (Bachelor and Master) between Tongji University (Shanghai, China) and University of Bologna

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Space Technologies and Scientific Disciplines