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Space applications
training courses


Télépilote professionnel de drones

Course Details

Objectives : Become a professional drone remote pilot and integrate its use into your practice of geographic information systems.

Public concerned : Geomatician, GIS technician or administrator, surveyor, topographer, researcher, architect, who wish to develop their skills in drone piloting.

Acquired skills during the training : - know and apply the regulations in force concerning the use of professional civilian drones,
- have the knowledge relating to the design, operation and maintenance of a drone,
- acquire and master visual piloting techniques,
- understand and implement the various elements contributing to flight safety,
- master the entire chain of photogrammetric treatments,
- know how to integrate and use photogrammetric results in a GIS.

Duration and terms : Practical and theoretical lessons over 70 hours (10 jours)

Notes : Certification: Remote pilot proficiency certificate, issued with a training certificate, a drone remote pilot progress booklet. This training has no specific level.

Partnerships with national organisations : societé Altantique Expertise Drones

Dedicated web site :


Space Technologies and Scientific Disciplines