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Master Intelligence Artificielle parcours IA et applications

Course Details

Objectives : The Master's degree in Artificial Intelligence aims to train computer engineers. The training focuses on acquiring skills that promote a thorough understanding of the various approaches to Artificial Intelligence (AI) and their application in real-life situations.

Degree Level (EU) : 7 - (EQC level or equivalent)

Prerequisites : • Bachelor's degree in Computer Science
• Bachelor's degree in Mathematics
• BUT 3 Computer Science

Acquired skills during the training : • Analyze and explore data of various types (table, image, text,
speech,...) from the raw signal
• Know and know how to implement AI algorithms for heuristic solution
search (A*, Dijkstra, MCTS,...)
• Mathematically formulate algorithms such as gradient descent
for deep neural networks or other statistical learning models.
• Program statistical learning models with Python and
master Keras and Pytorch.
• Understand the foundations of statistical learning on a theoretical level,
and in particular overfitting and regularization.

Targeted careers : • Engineer / Machine Learning Specialist
• Data Scientist / Data Engineer / Data Analyst
• Big Data Engineer
• AI Engineer / “Responsible” AI Engineer
• Natural Language Processing Engineer

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Space Technologies and Scientific Disciplines