Ingénieur CentraleSupélec
- Organisations :
- Way of training : Initial education - Sandwich/Apprenticeship training
- Language(s): French
- Place: Gif, Rennes, Metz (French Regions: Multisites)
- Prepared diploma/grade/title: Diplôme d’ingénieur (French national engineering degree)
- 1st required level : French baccalauréat + 2
Course Details
Objectives : CentraleSupélec, a highly international and business-oriented institution, is committed to:
Developping scientific and technical culture through solid conceptualization and abstraction abilities
Providing students with strong skills in the area of complex systems
Fostering in students internationally focused leadership and an innovative spirit so that they can bring significant added value to their organizations
Encouraging them to be on the forefont of current technological and societal changes, especially in the digital field
Preparing engineers to face the world and major societal issues developing social responsibility and mutual respect
Public concerned : Students
Degree Level (EU) : 7 - (EQC level or equivalent)
Admission requirements : concours CPGE
Duration and terms : 3 years
Notes : The specialties or 3rd year are different depending on the sites of Gif, Metz or Rennes.
Dedicated web site :
- Mobility (Transport, multimodality, transportation management, navigation safety, autonomous vehicles, etc.)
- Legal and Economics (Law, contracts, standards; Trade, finances, facilities sharing economy...)
- Health and Societal challenges (E-health, tele-epidemiology, space medicine; Risk management, security, education, tourism...)
- Environment and Land Management (Environmental protection, agriculture, biodiversity, climate changes; Resources, land-use planning, infrastructures)
Space Technologies and Scientific Disciplines
- Robotics and autonomous systems (Control systems, guidance, navigation...)
- Data processing and analysis (Signal and image processing, big data, learning algorithms, artificial intelligence...)
- Telecommunications (Space communications, Information and Communication Technologies, Internet of Things)
- Geopositioning (Positioning, GNSS)
- Earth observation (Remote sensing, GIS, geomatics)