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training courses


DE Géomatique et Métiers de l'Eau GEME

Course Details

Objectives : The objective of the Diploma of Geomatics and Water Professions Establishment (GEME) is to allow participants to benefit from a specialization or a dual competence in the use of spatialized data processing techniques (GIS, remote sensing, ...) adapted to the problem of water professions.

The training is operated by ENGEES and ENGEES.

It was designed by a team of teacher-researchers and experts from ENGEES and ENGEES.

This training aims to develop the competence to search, organize, process and represent specialized geographical data to better understand hydrological phenomena (floods, shortages, transfers of water, contaminants), hydrogeological or natural hydraulic (watercourses) and artificial (water supply and sanitation networks).

The GEME allows young graduates or already experienced professionals to acquire or upgrade basic skills in geomatics and to master the concepts, methods and tools allowing to characterize and predict the spatial dimension of the management of the land. water in a natural, agricultural or urban area in order to better understand the hazard and better measure the risks to better prevent them.

Public concerned : The training is aimed at young graduates or professionals wishing to acquire new skills or upgrade.

Degree Level (EU) : (niveau 7) - (EQC level or equivalent)

Admission requirements : The admission requirements are as follows:
- Holder of a bac + 4 level diploma (M1 equivalent in LMD system) in physics, physical geography, engineering sciences, environmental sciences, geology, or water professions,
- or holder of a bac + 3 for professionals with three years of experience.

Duration and terms : 9 months

Dedicated web site :

Dedicated web site : ()


Space Technologies and Scientific Disciplines