Formations SIG et Télédetection
- Organisation : SIGOTM
- Way of training : Life-long learning - Blended learning - short courses (basics) - short courses (advanced)
- Language(s): French
- Place: in France and abroad in inter-company, intra-company and E-Learning
- Prepared diploma/grade/title: Certificate of participation (Notification of training attendance/completion)
Course Details
Objectives : Short and long GIS and remote sensing training sessions in France and abroad in inter-company, intra-company and in E-Learning.
GIS training: geomatics training, ArcGIS training, Mapinto training, QGis training, satellite ...
Whatever the level of GIS skills, beginner or advanced, adapted GIS training.
Remote sensing by satellite and drone: from acquisition to modeling
SIGOTM organizes short and long training courses in remote sensing by satellite and by drone using proprietary and open source processing tools.
Dedicated web site :
- Environment and Land Management (Environmental protection, agriculture, biodiversity, climate changes; Resources, land-use planning, infrastructures)
Space Technologies and Scientific Disciplines
- Data processing and analysis (Signal and image processing, big data, learning algorithms, artificial intelligence...)
- Earth observation (Remote sensing, GIS, geomatics)