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Master Territoires, Images et Environnement (TIME)

Course Details

Objectives : The TIME course (Territories, Images, Environments) is one of two courses, with GTDD Territorial Management of Sustainable Development, with the GAED-INTEX mention.

It is about the transformation of the MIME course (Territorial Mediation Images and Experiments opened in 2018).

Our generalist mention Geography, Planning, Environment, Development is based at the University of Bordeaux-Montaigne on a specific educational orientation focused on Territorial Innovation and Experiments.

The common core of the two courses is important and makes it possible to give a common culture to the students on territorial issues (actors, management, mediation, innovations) and on research methods (writing, cartography, data processing): it is clearly in the majority in S1, then decreases in S2 and S3 to give priority to specific courses in student learning.

This training gives an important place to the methods of theoretical apprehension, field, and management of territories and the environment in the service of the different forms of professionalization in geography: communities, territorial agencies or associations / environmental NGOs, mapping companies and geomatics, tourism and cultural sector, in France or internationally.

It refers to the professional needs formulated by a large number of local authorities, research offices, environmental NGOs and cultural structures as well as by the academic world, for research orientation backed by the UMR Passages CNRS.

Degree Level (EU) : 7 - (EQC level or equivalent)

Acquired skills during the training : Know how to take on and deal with a project led by a community or a research group. Master the techniques of quantitative and qualitative surveys and project management.
Build and put into practice mediation processes that make it possible to place the complexity of territorial processes within the reach of a project and democratic deliberation.
Develop methodological proposals and experiments.
To be able to co-produce mediation media: production of images (cartographic, infographic, photographic, filmic, artistic), process of developing a visual discourse (data collection, contextualization, design and production).
Master the principles of scientific writing: formulation of a research question, argumentation and administration of evidence, propositions based on the result.
Master the production of an original scientific document and the reflective critique of own production.

Targeted careers : Former des chercheurs /professionnels de haut niveau, sensibilisés aux questions de recherche et de développement posées par le contexte actuel de transition sociétale, de transition écologique et de changement global, capables de construire des approches alternatives, des méthodes nouvelles de recherche, d’action et de communication.
Former des professionnels capables de suivre les recherches scientifiques, d’y collaborer le cas échéant et d’en mobiliser les apports dans le cadre de leur activité professionnelle :
chargé-e de mission, chef de projet, chargé-e d’études dans des collectivités territoriales, bureaux d’études, associations et ONG (nationales et internationales) ;
documentariste, métiers de l’audiovisuel (réalisation) spécialisés dans le domaine espace, territoires, environnement, sociétés ;
spécialiste de data-visualisation dans le champ de l’information géographique ;
métiers de l’enseignement supérieur et de la recherche, pour ceux qui visent la poursuite des études en doctorat.

Duration and terms : 2 years

Dedicated web site :


Space Technologies and Scientific Disciplines