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training courses


Doctorat Sciences de l'Univers, de l'Environnement et de l'Espace

Course Details

Objectives : The SDU2E doctoral school monitors doctoral students on scientific themes that cover all of the Sciences of the Universe and beyond; they range from cosmology and astrophysics of the most distant objects to the environment and functional ecology, including all areas of planetary science and planet Earth: atmosphere, ocean, continental surfaces, land internal and geosciences, climatic cycles, hydrology, etc. For more than twenty years, the doctoral school has relied on Toulouse research laboratories in these sectors, while closely benefiting from the contribution of space, omnipresent on a scale regional and national. The doctoral school trains between 80 and 100 doctors per year, with an international outlook for more than a third of them.

The doctoral school is organized around 5 specialties:
- astrophysics, space sciences, planetology;
- ocean, atmosphere, climate;
- Earth and solid planet sciences;
- continental surfaces and interfaces, hydrology;
- functional ecology.

Degree Level (EU) : 8 - (EQC level or equivalent)

Partnerships with national organisations : ISAE-SUPAERO - INP Toulouse - ENM

Dedicated web site :

Dedicated web site : (site dédié)


Space Technologies and Scientific Disciplines