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Objectives : The Geopolitics-Geopolitics-Digital Geographic Information (Geoint) course of the GAED master's degree at Sorbonne University trains students in the field of spatial imagery, the fusion of geolocalized data and geopolitical analysis.
This course provides initial training to understand the geopolitical and geostrategic issues of the contemporary world, particularly in the Sahel, Middle East and West Asia regions. In addition to this regional approach, students learn analysis methods, geolocation tools, cartography and computer graphics.
The course is therefore intended to train future analysts specializing in the specific activity of Geoint (defined by the fusion of multi-source and geolocalized data) for the benefit of various ministries (Armed Forces, Interior, MAE) and private companies linked to Economic Intelligence and Geoint.
This training is provided by the UFR of Geography and Planning in conjunction with the UFR of History. It is organized within the Master Geography, Planning, Environment, Development (GAED) which forms the Major component. It is based on two courses from the Master Wars, Armies and Societies of the UFR of History which constitute the Minor component.
Degree Level (EU) : 7 - (EQC level or equivalent)
Prerequisites : This Master 2 training is aimed at students and executives seeking professional specialization in the Geoint professions. It offers a qualification in geopolitical analysis skills and mastery of digital geography tools that may concern:
- Students in human sciences and engineering sciences (data science)
- Executives of the Ministry of the Armed Forces
- Executives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Europe
- Executives of the Ministry of the Interior
- Engineers and staff of large defense industry companies
- Staff of start-ups dedicated to digital technology and spatial imaging.
Targeted careers : This training offers an opening towards professional opportunities:
- Towards the Ministry of the Armed Forces, in particular for students enrolled in the continuing education component (work-study);
- Towards other ministries that are developing capacities for “fusion of geolocalized information and analysis of geopolitical risks”: Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of the Interior, Ministry of the Armed Forces, etc.;
- Towards private companies dedicated to this activity and looking for analysts well trained in digital technologies and spatial imaging;
- Towards the research environment if the training is completed by a Doctorate.
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