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Space applications
training courses


Ingénieur.e Sciences du numérique majeure data science et intelligence artificielle

Course Details

Objectives : • Develop techniques for collecting and managing very large quantities of information
• Implement algorithms to analyze and interpret large quantities of information
• Aggregate complex and heterogeneous data sets
• Develop solutions based on artificial intelligence to make operational or strategic decisions
• Develop validation tools for these solutions
• Integrate the ethical and societal dimension into the use of data and their destination

Degree Level (EU) : 7 - (EQC level or equivalent)

Prerequisites : Hold a general baccalaureate with a scientific emphasis, STI2D or STL

Acquired skills during the training : Technical skills: Having developed advanced skills in programming, statistics, machine learning and artificial intelligence, engineers from this major are experts capable of collecting, processing, analyzing and interpreting large amounts of data , often complex and heterogeneous, to make strategic decisions and develop solutions based on AI.
Soft skills: Interlocutor of many stakeholders, he demonstrates availability, organization, anticipation, diplomacy. Its communication capacity is essential in contexts involving exchanging reliable information and demonstrating agility.

Targeted careers : - Ingénieur Big Data / Data Scientist / Data Miner
- Chief Data Officer
- Gestionnaire des Produits de Données / Ingénieur délégué à la Protection des Données
- Coach Robot

Duration and terms : 5 or 3 years, in many other Campuses
3-year apprenticeship course also

Dedicated web site :

Space Technologies and Scientific Disciplines