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Connect By Cnes ISSAT
Space applications
training courses


Master Données et Systèmes Connectés (DSC)

Course Details

Objectives : The DSC course is co-authorized with the Jean-Monnet University of Saint-Étienne (UJM, corresponding Pr. Amaury Habrard) and aims to train high-level computer scientists capable of responding to the problems of data massification and the interconnection of systems computers and communicating objects as part of the digital metamorphosis of our society (web, Internet of Things, big data). In this context, these specialists will have the skills to master the processing chain going from raw data to its analysis as well as its exploitation in interconnected intelligent systems.

This course is taught half in French and the other half in English.

It is accessible on a work-study basis at the M2 level.

Degree Level (EU) : 7 - (EQC level or equivalent)

Targeted careers : The course aims to train application architects, application development managers, project managers, experts/consultants in business intelligence and decision support, architects and designers of connected and web services.

Dedicated web site :

Dedicated web site : (Univ Jean Monnet)

Space Technologies and Scientific Disciplines